One of our clients wrote a testimony for us. He said “Sitting in here today, looking at the cooled room, I remember the first time we got the window AC installed in our place. It has been these many years but things are the same. The smooth working and the same chilled air. No regrets at all. Thank you to Team Hamilton for installing and also making the maintenance as well as repair on our product whenever reported. Your consistent customer delivery focus and immediate response has always been appreciated. Not forgetting everything at a reasonable cost. Worth every money!!

It gives us immense pleasure to read such good comments from all our valued customers. Not forgetting that we even have been welcoming all the other comments and suggestions we get as a feedback to improve on our proficiency of work and the delivery as well as technical capabilities for the same.

There was time when not many of the places had the air conditioning installation London. Hardly few places that needed special attention in case. But now the time is changing. Yes installations are increasing with the increase of sale of air conditioning at residential and offices across London. There are many different choices to be made for making your room cool, and composite. For that one might opt for using an air cooler, Air conditioning like window AC or a Split AC sort of. Many options are there as per the capacity or we say wideness of the room.  The window ac concept has been the kind of first official air conditioning which was and still is the very famous one being installed at every work and residential place. More than purchasing an air conditioning, major cost lies in the installation wages, maintenance as well as fault and repair during the daily usage.

The air condition maintenance cost is the most important thing to be noticed in for. The general cost of one single unit is not less than $800/- or may be a little less or more. But yes if the major cost of maintenance is taken care by the vendor or the supplier than it shall be a fruitful deal for the client.

We at Hamilton Aircon Services believe in maximizing the client’s benefits as well. We offer wide range of services along with the sales of the products.  We offer the special benefit of 5 years warranty which shall include all the major maintenance and the repair of the products during the warranty period. Later to the same we offer the air conditioning service London at the cost of the actual being occurred.  Also on the benefits part we offer comparatively a low budgetary cost on services of air conditioning maintenance london as well as the air conditioning fault and repair.

  • Our air conditioning repair london team offers quick response over the service for all air conditioning.
  • We provide air-conditioning repair and Faults services at a very competitive price tariff.
  • If you are within warranty, you will likely be covered for costs depending upon the problems at stake. Almost many of the clauses are covered unless it’s a huge damage.
  • Our team comprises of passionate and talented yet equally qualified engineers in London and beyond territories.
  • We’re fully trained and accredited with Technical Staff to make sure that your air con systems are working excellent and no hesitations to see again after only a short consultation.
  • Our major clientele list comprises of commercial office owners, manufacturers, hospitals etc.
  • Our years of experience gives us specialty not only in the creation and installation of custom air conditioning system, but in its maintenance and repair as well.

If you are experiencing problems with your air conditioning London or elsewhere, we assure our team of experts shall make sure that the cost effective solutions are always provided in time to save the future expenses over the maintenance of the product.  We believe In making a long term relation with our clients.  Please do visit on our website to have a detailed look on the kind of maintenance and repair services we provide related to air conditioning systems and more.

We await to hear from your end if your air con is calling Hamilton team to have a look at it.

Always remember. Just a call and the issue will be resolved in no time.

Always Happy to Help is that Team Hamilton Believes in.

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