3 Indoor Bugs to Look Out For


As a plant lover searching for plant infestations online can be a nightmare. You’ll find hundreds of potential issues, many of which have no obvious solution.

Fortunately, this is not the best way forward. Instead, you should contact your local pest control expert and ask them about the pests that are most prevalent in your area. They’ll be able to tell you, allowing you to prepare yourself for these specific pests. You can find out more here.

But, spider mites are not the only bugs you should be concerned with. In fact, there are hundreds of different bugs that love the inside of your home and can actually be a threat to your home, if not your own health.

That’s why you need to locate a specialist who can help you identify and resolve any issues, You can find out more info here.

Perhaps the worst 3 indoor bugs to be aware of are these:

  1. Fleas

Although fleas generally prefer pets, when an infestation becomes larger they’ll jump onto anything that has blood in it, such as you. Fleas can jump approximately 7” high, that means the majority of the bites will be on the lower half of your legs unless you’re lying down in their nest.

Fleas can actually carry diseases and their bites are extremely itchy.

It can be hard to spot fleas until they start hatching but regularly cleaning your home, particularly vacuuming the floors, will help.

  1. Flies

The weather warms up and flies start to appear everywhere. They can be very annoying as they seem to swoop right next to your head, over and over again. However, flies also carry an array of diseases, including typhoid, cholera, and dysentery.

Netting can help to keep them out of your home, as well as flypaper, sprays, and electrical zappers. You can also have a fan on to move the air, this makes it harder for the flies to fly straight.

  1. Bed Bugs

The 3rd biggest indoor bug that you should be aware of is bed bugs. These tiny creatures are extremely hardy and can travel in pockets, on clothes, or in suitcases. They can be easily transferred from one person to another and brought home.

Bed bugs hide during the day and then come onto your bed at night to feast on your blood. The first you’ll know of it is when you wake up with red blotches over you, they’ll be itchy and you’ll also find some bed bugs squashed in your bed.

Bed bugs can also carry disease, making them an issue that needs to be taken seriously, although they can be very hard to get rid of properly.

Protecting your entry and exit points is essential to keep indoor bugs out of your home. You should also visually inspect your home to ensure there are no cracks and other gaps that will encourage bugs to enter. The harder you make it for them the more likely they are to go somewhere else.

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