5 Benefits Of Having Solid Hardwood Flooring In Your Home


Solid hardwood flooring has been used for years as the material of choice for homes of all shapes and sizes, as well as many public projects that rely upon a long-lasting solution to their flooring needs. The wood floor benefits of hardwood over softer alternatives are important to consider because of their higher density composition and lower maintenance necessities, among other advantages.

1.Flexibility of Choice

While all types of hardwood flooring bring greater resilience and durability because they originate from trees that matures more slowly and feature broad leaves. The result is wood that is thicker and denser which makes it ideal for use as flooring, which can receive all kinds of punishment and abuse.

But you have a number of options from which to choose in the tropical, temperate, and European classifications of hardwood. Each one has certain advantages making them best-suited for the type of floor you want installed in your home.

2. Maintenance Needs

Perhaps one of the most advantageous reasons for choosing hardwood as your flooring is that it’s very easy to keep clean. You need not worry about performing a lot of arduous routine maintenance to preserve the look and feel of this material. You may decide to implement some hardwood floor refinishing austin every few years, but that’s all the work you will need to put into it.

3. Comfort

Although many homeowners consider putting in carpet as a means for making their home more comfortable, you can enjoy a similar level of pleasant warmth and comfort from hardwood. That’s because many hardwood species are natural insulators, their surfaces marked by a myriad of tiny pores which can absorb and contain heat.

4. Strength and Durability

The fact that these denser hardwoods come from slow-growing trees makes them more durable and long-lasting. But it’s because these trees mature on such a drawn-out timetable that affects their cellular composition. The faster the trees grow, the less dense their cellular structure. But it’s that added strength that makes the wood so resilient against all types of foot traffic.

5. Cost

No one really considers cost as a benefit unless they’re paying far less for something than they hope. In the case of solid hardwood flooring, it’s true you are going to be paying more than you might for less durable and slightly less dense alternatives. With solid hardwood flooring you’re making an investment into the long-term future of your home. The choice of wood you lay down for you and your family to live on can last for as long as you own the home or it can start to fade and deteriorate much earlier than you might expect.

Cheap veneers and softwoods that don’t possess the characteristics listed above simply aren’t going to last as long as solid hardwood. This won’t just affect the appearance of your flooring but it could also have a negative impact on your home’s value should you decide to resell at some point down the line. In the end, you could just be wasting your money when the best choice was there in front of you the whole time.

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