5 Everyday Pest Control Tips


For those heavy infestations of bugs and mice, you may need to call your local Pest Control Services Pinehurst, but what about those homes that are just eager to keep pests away and prevent them from being a nuisance? There are some everyday steps you can take to ensure that you aren’t forced to live and work with those creepy crawlies that can linger and make your life difficult.

Prevention is the first and best step towards avoiding the scourge of bugs and mice, so here are five things you can start doing right now to make it easier for you and your family to live free of the annoyances that can spread germs and disease and even make you itchy from too much exposure to bug bites.

1.The Trash

In order to keep pests away from your home, you want to give them as few things as possible to make them attracted to where you live. Trash and litter are extremely tempting to all types of pests and vermin, be it flies, rats, or even raccoons. All of them can be very troubling to have near your home and your family.

So just be sure that you keep all areas with trash cans and dumpsters neat and tidy and don’t let bags of refuse and waste pile up before having it removed. Cleanliness is key here.

2. Pet Foods

One area inside the home that can be very attractive to pests of all kinds is your pet’s food and water. You must keep your pet’s bowls clean and pick up any food that may have been knocked over or spilled out so that it’s less accessible to pests who are seeking a quick, easy meal. You should also store any unused food in sealed containers and not the bags they come packaged in from the manufacturer.

3. Lighting

Consider changing out your current white light bulbs to colored and tinted alternatives like orange or pink. These two colors in particular are not attractive to the types of flies and moths that like to flit and flutter near lights that are turned on in the night. You may also try to replace your typical incandescent bulbs with halogen or sodium vapor options.

4. Vacuum Regularly

You might be surprised by what’s living in your carpet fibers, but routine vacuuming can eliminate just about all of it. This can be very beneficial for homes with pets that have fleas as you’ll need to clean up everywhere to eradicate adults and their eggs.

5. Vulnerabilities

You may wonder how many of these pests are getting into your house. Take a look around to see if your doors and windows shut completely when they are closed or if you find little gaps where things can crawl through. Broken screens, cracked windows, warped doors and frames, these are all invitations for the outside to come in and wreak havoc throughout the home. Start making repairs now and you can be seeing fewer pests and nuisances before you know it.

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