Deck Construction Tips And Techniques You Should Know


If you’re building a deck all by yourself, there are some important tips and techniques that should be kept in mind to ensure that your finished product is well-constructed and lasts a long time. You need to plan ahead with a project such as this, so you don’t commit many of the most common mistakes that DIY’ers are all too guilty of doing.

Regardless of the size, shape, and design of the deck, you should always be prepared and expect the unexpected. Thinking ahead can be your best ally when you find yourself in a pinch.

Proper Paperwork

Here’s the first tip that you absolutely must know as it is imperative to start the construction of your deck, yet too many homeowners forget to do it or overlook it entirely. You need to have all the correct permits that are mandated by law according to city and state statutes. Without this documentation, you could be cited, fined, even forced to stop the work altogether. This isn’t just inconvenient, it can get pretty costly.

However, not every deck requires one. Be sure to check your local regulations governing the construction of decks to determine whether or not yours falls under any mandates or rules.

Your Foundation

This is easily the most critical aspect of the deck you are about to build. Another good construction tip is to ensure that your foundation is solid in order to keep the entire thing from crashing down in a heap. In order to do this, you need to account for the condition of the dirt and soil in which you are seating the footings of the deck you have planned.

Take precautions as you identify where the deck is going to be built and consider how much shifting and moving could occur in the soil as this will have an impact on the stability of the foundation. Some areas of the country will experience freezing temperatures, which can also affect the dirt where your footings will be located.

Your Screws

That’s right, the type of screw you decide to use on your deck can also have an impact on the construction of the project. While many DIY’ers will usually opt for lag screws to get the job done, you should go with construction screws instead. What makes these better is that you don’t need a ratchet to drive them into the wood and they’re a stronger option which will keep the deck sturdier.

Even better, you don’t need to pre-drill your wood before you drive them in.

When in Doubt

Sometimes all of these helpful hints and techniques can be hard to remember and even tougher to pull off successfully. Perhaps your do-it-yourself skills aren’t as sharp and advanced as you previously thought or hoped. Whatever the reason for your reluctance or inability to do the work necessary, avoid making mistakes and possibly paying more to get the project finished by calling professional deck contractors Waynesville to ensure the job is done right the first time.

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