5 Tips For Spring Thaw Preparation


There is a different kind of spring cleaning from the one you’re used to that you should be doing. Even with climate change, Ottawa had a horrendous winter with lots of snow. In fact, between January and February 2019, our regions saw around 170 centimeters of snow—nearly double the average amount of snowfall. If this trend continues, spring thaw is going to be worse than ever, which means you should be preparing for it as soon as possible. 

Snow just doesn’t disappear. It turns into water that has to go somewhere. As ice and snow melt, your home is in danger of damage. Here are some tips from the experts at The Irish Plumber to help you prepare for the next big spring thaw: 


  • Outside The House

  • 1. Clear Ice and Snow Away Immediately.


Any frozen ice and snow that is against your house or covers drainage will seep into the ground around the foundation of your home and leave the ground saturated. When that happens, the water can leak into the foundation and weaken it. You can reduce the amount of water that gets into your basement by shoveling snow away from the building immediately. You will to shovel about 3 feet away from the walls. 


  • 2. Check The Grading Around The Building.


Did you know that the freezing and thawing year after year can affect the grade around your house? If your house is on a slope, even a slight one, the thawing ice can cause low points in the yard. It will collect there, which can be dangerous (especially if you consider the first point we made). 

Should you find any low points around your yard, either fill it in with some top soil or, if the damage is severe, discuss options with a professional landscaping company to learn what can be done. 


  • 3. Clean Out Gutters and Downspouts.


Downspouts and gutters that are congested with leaves and other debris are not going to divert melting ice and snow off the roof and away from the foundation of your home like the system should. Always clean your gutters and downspouts before winter and whenever they are clogged. 


  • Inside The House

  • 1. Do Routine Sump Pump Maintenance.


The sump pump is one of the most important pieces in deterring damage from spring thaw. You want one if you don’t have one, or you need to make sure the one you do have is properly functioning. Don’t know how to maintain a sump pump? Call your local plumber for a service request or send us an email!


  • 2. Clean Out The Basement.


Sometimes, no matter what you do to prepare, you sometimes just have to prepare for the worst. In other words, if you know that your basement is prone to flooding during spring thaw, you should reduce the chance of potential losses as much as possible by rearranging the basement to accommodate the flood. This means moving around valuables, storage boxes, furniture, and other things can be lost to water damage or even moisture. 

Be ready for spring thaw. Rather than just sitting at home, waiting for the ice and snow to melt away, you should be active in keeping your home and basement clear of damage. By doing some maintenance and getting the proper appliances serviced, you can weather the spring thaw more easily, even if the snowfall breaks another record. 

Need help with sump pumps or checking your pipes and drains? Give us a call. We’re happy to help you prepare for this upcoming spring now. 


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