When To Use Termite Control


Termites are insects that are usually located in the southern part of the United States because they prefer warm climates. They can live inside attics, door or window frames, leaky pipes, building foundations: where ever there is moisture found in wood. Termites are known to live one to two years, but queens can live decades in perfect conditions. Once you realize that your house is infested with termites, it may be too late to fix the problem.

There are three types of termites: Subterranean that live in the soil and are considered one of the most destructive, dampwood that live in the woods that has high moisture and drywood who is responsible for damage to homes and can cause havoc at a slower rate. You know you have termite damage if you see where they have chewed wood in search of cellulose. You may also see wings that termites have twisted off or mud tubes that have been found near trees or sheds.

Termites can cause an average of $5 billion in damage annually. Most people think that if their homes have not been made from wood that termites can not get in. This statement is untrue since they can enter through plumbing or a crack as tiny as 1/16 inches wide.

As soon as you suspect you have a termite problem termites, you should call a professional termite control company. They have all of the necessary equipment you would need to fix the problem. These companies come out to your home to do a survey based on inspection. They usually give you an estimate as to what it will cost to rid your home of these pesky insects. Once you have agreed on a price, the professionals will return to spray with liquid insecticide or place bait traps around your home to lure them in. The use of borate as a treatment is highly recommended since this liquid soaks deep into the wood. It also kills existing termites on contact and prevents them from coming back. The average treatment cost to the homeowner is approximately $500.

Another type of treatment is to tent the house. This treatment should only be used when all other options fail. The pest control company will place a plastic covering-like tent over an entire house while the pesticides are being released. This method is known as tent fumigation or tenting. Because of the extent of this job, the cost can run from $1200-$2500 or more. Everyone who resides in the house, including all pets, must be evacuated. House plants, bed linens, and even food products have to be taken out of the house as well. All doors should be wide open, and appliances turned off. You can not do this yourself. In some states, the person doing the fumigating must have a specific license.

If you decide to rid the termites yourself, you can use different remedies. Vinegar is one of them. Spray it on the area where the termites are found. You can also purchase nematodes, which are parasitic worms. You put them in the field of the termites, and these worms eat all of them until the termites disappear. You can buy the worms online or at specialty stores. However, you choose to rid your house of termites; be sure to do it in a safe environment where the only thing that gets hurt is the termites.

Looking to hire some help? We recommend this best termite control Orange CA option.

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