6 Effective Methods of Pest Control You Can Choose From


Pests can create nuisance if left unattended. You must not intend to kill pests as this will disturb the ecological balance. You can always find ways to get them out of your dwelling or property. Most of the people stick to chemical pesticides due to its quick and deadly effect on pests. However, people are not aware of such strong chemical’s adverse effects on humans. 

Let’s figure out few methods to control pests at your property:

  • Biological Control

Living organisms are used to control pests moving and around your property. This is widely used in agricultural places and environment. This is the most natural method in which natural predators prey on certain pests to keep its population controlled. This works the best even to maintain ecological balance. At properties where people follow such natural methods, certain natural enemies are imported from distant places to prey on certain annoying pests.

  • Pest Trapping Method

Trapping helps in isolating dangerous pests. There are various types of mechanical or electric traps attracting pests with fire or light. The pests are collected through air suction and repelled with sound or electricity. There are small gadgets that create high frequency sounds (not audible to human ears) pushing pests and insects away from the house. This technique is very common in farmhouses, agricultural lands and cities. 

  • Fumigation

This is a method in which harmful pests or organisms are tackled by certain gaseous pesticides. Fumigants are used to suffocate pests within and/or get them out of your property. To be able to complete this process, the targeted area is sealed and toxic gas is released. This method works the best in controlling termite infestation and mosquito growth. It is important to know that this process requires several sessions and you may not be allowed to enter your property during this time. 

  • Barriers

In this method, an artificial boundary is created that cannot or would not be crossed by pests. There’s a window screen, for example, creating a physical barrier for bugs and other pests to enter home. Mechanical screens or fences are an obstruction to many insects and birds entering your premises. This method can help you protect your garden or agricultural land against wildlife and pests. However, this method does not work if the population of pests is high in number.

  • Insect or Pest Vacuuming

This is a method in which the pests or insects are sucked by a vacuum – a tool used to control pests. These vacuums suck a large amount of insects and pests such as bugs, spiders, ants, etc. Pests can grow anyplace anytime. Yes, of course, there are few seasonal pests that can enter your premises during a seasonal change. However, vacuuming your house for pest control by professionals can assure you of preventing pest infestation.    

  • Use of Chemical Pesticides

If you or any of your family members or friends is allergic to chemicals then you must inform the pest control professionals beforehand. Either you will be asked to move out of your property or you will need to keep your face and mouth covered during the process. Certain pests get very stubborn and despite using herbal pesticides, they do not leave your house. In such cases, one has to opt for chemical pesticidal method only.

Remember, you must stick to one method as per the need of the hour. Sometimes, people adopt different methods depending on the type and number of pests. Whatever be the method, the intention should never be to kill the pests, but to get rid of them by adopting nature-friendly approach. 

Log on to sites such as Romneypestcontrol.com to get more information about different methods.

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