What are the Different Types of Window Frames?


Choosing new windows isn’t an easy job. It requires tons of patience, great windows and doors contractors and a little bit of insight as well. That’s why we to help you out with your window replacement project, we created a short guide for window frames.

And when it comes to framing, everything is about material, so here are the 4 basic materials you will face when choosing new windows:

  1. Wood

The most commonly found material in traditional homes is wood. It has been used for centuries and has done a great job at insulating our homes. Wood is very durable, highly efficient and flexible when it comes to style. It can be repainted whenever you want and it also adds a unique aesthetic value to your home.

However, wood is vulnerable to rot and termites which makes it prone to cracks and mold. So even though it has a large lifespan, it won’t last that long if it gets eaten by termites. This is why wooden window frames aren’t recommended for rainy climates.

  1. Vinyl

This material is praised for its high energy efficiency. Luckily for us, it comes at a cheap price too. Vinyl is an amazing option for modern homes. It’s also very durable, lasting to a maximum of 50 years. The maintenance it requires is little to none. Additionally, vinyl is an amazing insulator and very safe for your home.

But what it has in efficiency, it lacks in style. Vinyl cannot be repainted and has a limited color choice. This material is also much worse than fiberglass, which has the first place when it comes to energy efficiency and durability.

  1. Fiberglass

The newest, but the strongest, fiberglass is the best material for windows and doors. Window replacement sounds much interesting when this material is in the mix. But fiberglass comes with a price and a big one too. It is much more expensive than other materials such as aluminum and vinyl.

Even though it lasts a lifetime and can withstand most storms, as vinyl, fiberglass has limitations in style. That’s why most homeowners end up choosing vinyl. Both offer same style choices, almost the same efficiency, but are very different in price. (Vinyl is much cheaper)

  1. Aluminum

This material looks amazing in homes. Like wood, it gives our exteriors a unique and welcoming look. It will protect your homes and for a cheap price too. But aluminum isn’t as strong as other materials. Fiberglass, wood and vinyl are much better at their jobs.

To put the cherry on top, aluminum also doesn’t work well for homes near oceans. Because there is salt in the air, aluminum can corrode and deteriorate in those climates.

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