Best Options in Choosing the Turbines


As for the pitch of the screw, it is also not so simple. The variable pitch allows you to significantly expand the range of effective speeds for a wind station, and this is a big plus. But at the same time, such a mechanism reduces the overall reliability of the stationary installation and significantly weights the wind wheel, complicating the operation of the unit.

The feasibility of installing a wind generator

Small wind power plants today are widely used as alternative sources of electricity that allow you to achieve real savings.

Such devices, as a rule, are installed in the suburban areas, in areas remote from the main power grids. But this is not the only reason why people increasingly prefer structures of this type.

Wind generator for home

  • Land owners successfully use wind generators to achieve complete autonomy and significant energy savings.
  • However, not every zone is suitable for installing a wind turbine. In order for a mini-power plant to fully function during the period of operation declared by the manufacturer, the climatic conditions of the area must meet the requirements of special equipment.
  • The average wind speed should not be less than 4.5-5 m / s. Only in this case the installation of a structure with a wind turbine will be economically justified.
  • To find out approximate data on the average annual wind speed by region, you need to view a special map of the winds. More accurate information can be obtained using an anemometer and a device for reading signals.

The measuring system must be installed at a high altitude so that nearby buildings and trees do not distort the results.

If you decide to install a mini wind farm for your home, you should also think about the availability of free space. It should be borne in mind that the wind should absolutely freely “walk” along the blades, well, without any obstacles on its way reach them from different sides.

That is why the ideal place to install GIGA Turbines are considered the top of the hills, where the air masses are compacted with a corresponding increase in pressure and wind speed. Also considered suitable are maritime regions and the steppe zone.

Installation of a wind turbine

To get the most out of the windmill, you need to install it in a place where there are no trees and tall buildings.

Any obstacles within a radius of 250 m will affect the operation of the wind generator. To obtain maximum efficiency, it is necessary to set the turbine axis above the obstacle level by at least 4-5 m.

Equipment selection rules

The selection of wind generator for the house should be approached responsibly.

In advance you need to collect basic information:

Calculate the nominal and maximum amount of electricity to meet the needs of the house.View data on the average annual wind speed in the area of ​​residence to determine the periods when the wind turbine will be inactive.Take into account the climatic features of the area. If in the winter season there are severe frosts, the installation of a wind station will not be justified.

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