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The organization at work makes all the difference at the end of each day. If you consider yourself disorganized, you probably know well that feeling that the day did not yield. The organization is just as fundamental for managers, who should lead by example and motivate their staff, as for employees who feel more engaged and motivated to feel that they have at least accomplished the essential tasks of the day. The use of the best 5-cup coffee maker with is essential here. Also you can buy krups espresso machine with krups espresso machine reviews.

Keeping the organization at work is:

  • Reduce environmental stress
  • Have clarity in ideas
  • Be more productive
  • Avoid procrastination
  • Check out the tips to achieve all this 

Make a list

Start by defining what the priorities are. Chances are if this list takes up two sides of a notebook, you overdo it. Priority is what under no circumstances can be left for the next day. Realistically list and follow strictly. Do one task at a time without thinking about how many things to do, as this creates anxiety and impairs the progress of the day.

Use the bargain

This is a tip to motivate you to do your tasks on time and to stay organized. Define that, for example, after two tasks completed you will take a walk to get some air, stimulate circulation and clear the mind. Or have a cup of coffee to boost productivity! Thus, you will want to fulfill the tasks to get the rewards.

Take breaks

Working around the clock is the opposite of productivity. Over time, your concentration level drops and your tiredness increases. It is virtually impossible to maintain the same performance. Hence the importance of taking that break every hour or so. Also at these times, a good tip is to have a good coffee, which is proven to be a drink combined with concentration and productivity !

Avoid distractions

Keep away from social networks and mobile. They are triggers for procrastination , and the longer you give in to them, the harder it will be to get back to work. A good tip is to set times to use your phone and check Facebook or Instagram. Did you know that, according to a survey, Brazilians spend an average of 9 hours a day surfing the internet, of which 3 hours are dedicated to social networks? Have you ever wondered how many productive things could be done in all this time?

Set your table

It is very difficult to have an organized work routine if you have a desk full of papers, old documents, personal effects etc. Chances are you will want to tidy up before you work. And so goes more productivity down the drain. Try to get to the company early to organize things, and then work on your work schedule.

With these tips, you are sure to be able to stay organized and feel more fulfilled at the end of the day. But you can also discover other methods that work for you. After all, each person works in one way and adapts to different forms of organization. What matters is to ensure that the tasks are accomplished.

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