Chandrasekhar Rao  is building the version of Co-working with Attic space



Innovation is the key to success.  No one understands this better than Mr. Chandrasekhar Rao.  As the CEO of Attic Space, he has carved a name for himself in Bangalore.  Now he is preparing for Attic Space to move into Hyderabad. New business areas are being explored which shows innovation and incentive on the part of Attic Space’s leadership.  The Management of Attic Space is all geared up to face the competition head on and also improvise, innovate and customize along the way.

Attic Space has made itself a brand name today.  In fact it is considered one of the top 10 best managed office space in Bangalore.  Over the years, it has specialized in designing and providing the best office space location in various parts of Bangalore.  In just a few years since its being founded, it has today become a major player. By catering to small and medium corporates, Attic Space looks after everything required for by a company from interiors to office stationery etc.  By identifying the needs of the growing start-ups for good office spaces in and around Bengaluru, Mr. Chandrasekhar Rao has taken the pains to find out ideal business locations so that these startups do not waste time hunting around for office space and instead can concentrate on business. Being from Bengaluru, he has the inside and intricate knowledge which he has used it to his advantage. And therefore could correctly understand and service the needs of the business population in Bengaluru.

After understanding the needs of the startups and various other small, medium scale industries, Mr. Chandrasekhar is now moving into or rather exploring other areas as well.  In fact after paving the way for Co-working and providing add-on facilities to it, Mr. Chandrasekhar is now looking at other options. For example, he is now focusing his energies on companies which are looking for fully customized office space with 100 + employees.    Prima facie, it seems that office space or location is the prime most concern for most businesses. However, this need not be the case most of the time. There are other matters and issues that need to be sorted out and managed. Being a businessman himself, Mr. Chandrasekhar fully understands the varied needs of the business and so is thinking out of the box for all these unique challenges.  So rather than be stuck up with providing only one type of fixed co-working model, Attic Space is now concentrating on other models which are more financially viable and profitable in the long run. This shows another positive aspect of Attic Space that is Multi-tasking. It just not about providing office space but all other features as well. It can be considered as being proactive as well.  Before even the needs are realized, Attic Space has become proactive by sensing the needs of the business community in general. Attic Space goes out of the way by making provision for satisfying all the business needs. The affinity by Attic Space especially towards supporting startups can be seen clearly by the way the fully managed office spaces are provided. All small and even minor details are taken care of with due professionalism and sincerity.

Attic Space has time and again proven the belief that Innovation is the key parameter of success for any economy or business. That is why Attic Space has lent support to various new startup companies.  Today, Attic Space has reached the heights of success. But as everyone understands, it’s not important reaching the top but staying at the top that counts. That is the reason why, again and again the co-working office space modules are being reinvented and re-designed to suit the ever changing business needs.   The co-working module is being developed to suit the economic needs of the business.

So while others are still busy concentrating on the coworking business space module, Attic Space has taken finesse to one notch higher.  While many are of the opinion that a fully furnished office space especially for a 100+ staff is not worth renting due to high financial cost, Attic Space has proven with his economical and value added features that it definitely is worth every penny.  The features and other benefits which are provided along with the full customizations really make a powerful impact on the success of the business.   

So, Attic Space has definite taken up the competition a notch higher when it comes to providing fully customized offices with a lot more personalized features which are need based. So the business community and the economy is general have a lot to thank Attic Space and Mr. Chandrasekhar Rao especially for providing the impetus to boost all improvements and speed up the progress in the Co-working and other related business sectors.    


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