Choose Your Perfect Pool Heating Choices


Regardless of the volume of water, the answer is undoubtedly affirmative. Solar energy is the most economical and sustainable way to heat the pool. This is a source of clean and renewable energy, which allows to reduce the consumption of electricity or other fuels.

In addition, there are still other benefits for those who install a system based on the use of solar energy, such as property valuation and incentives by the public administration, for example, the reduction of the Property and Urban Territorial Tax for buildings that bet on technology. To do solar pool heaters work this is important.

How does a solar pool heater work?

The operation has no mysteries. As we explained, water circulates through the pipes of the collector panels, which absorb and transfer heat. In the case of swimming pools, the water is pumped by the hydraulic system, being carried to the plates.

Once heated, it returns to the pool, which functions as a thermal reservoir. Therefore, the use of a thermal layer is recommended, which will keep the water temperature constant. In this way, the plates that collect solar energy will only replace the thermal loss that happened during the day.

The system is incorporated into the engine room and water only passes through the collectors when the pump is turned on by the digital controller. In addition, the plates are drained automatically, which prevents inconveniences, such as damage to the piping and overheating.

What are the advantages of the solar pool heater?

The advantages of using solar panels to heat swimming pools can be felt both in your pocket and in nature. Compared to electric or gas water heating systems, the cost of using thermal energy is very low, since it is a renewable source, and the equipment requires low maintenance. In the solar heating system, only the pump consumes electricity.

As for the environment, the growth in the use of alternative sources of generation contributes to the reduction of the need to activate thermal plants, based on the burning of hydrocarbons, with high polluting potential.

In addition, as already mentioned, the installation of a thermal energy generation system is an investment that brings a quick return and values ​​the property, in case of sale or rent. Another benefit is that the maintenance cost is low, just a periodic check of the components. The useful life of the system is estimated at 15 years.

Does the pool heating work even in winter?

Yes, this doubt is one of the great myths of the market! Solar heating is not restricted to sunny and hot days, just the light to keep the water temperature comfortable during all seasons. As seen, the tip to help maintain the temperature is to use a thermal cover, which will help to avoid heat exchange with the external environment, often colder than the pool’s internal water.


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