Choosing Your Options for the Best Engineering Fire Safety


It may not seem like it, but domestic accidents are very common, especially when related to fires. At home, a small moment of carelessness or lack of prevention can be factors that cause a tragedy. Therefore, we bring you some essential tips to keep your home safe. Check out for the best option.

Beware of electrical appliances

Have you noticed how many electrical appliances your house has? Many right? As much as these devices make our lives much easier, we must be very careful that the fire does not start by them. For the engineering fire safety  this is important.


Electric shower, heater, iron, electric tap, washing machine, imagine leaving it all on at the same time! Try to balance the use of energy, since using several pieces of equipment at the same time can generate an overload and, consequently, start a fire.

Electrical system

It is very important to be aware of the conditions of your electrical system. Bad wiring can overheat and generate sparks, food for large flames to form.

Too many adapters

Reduce the use of adapters in the outlets, this can also generate an overload. A good alternative is to exchange adapters with three inputs or “T”, for line filters. Thus, in the event of an overload, the fuses break.

Devices turned off

This is another valuable tip, which often goes unnoticed. When you leave a room, unplug all electrical equipment from the outlet. After all, there may be some overload and you will not be around to act. This makes it possible to spread the flames.


You may have heard the advice to turn off electrical appliances in the event of major storms. This advice is very valid, as the incidence of lightning can cause energy fluctuation and damage.

In the kitchen also stay tuned

This room can bring even more risks if the attention is not doubled. But you can make the environment safer by following these tips:

Gas hoses

Pay attention to the validity of the hose and the gas register. When the deadline is reached, it is important to make the switch.


When a stove top is lit, always keep an eye out. The start of the fire may even begin with a pan that is overlooked by the stove. Also, when not in use, keep the stove off.


Never place aluminum foil or metal objects inside the microwave oven.


For a safer home, it is essential to be aware of possible gas leaks. If you notice any leaks, open all windows and doors to increase ventilation. It is also important not to turn on electrical appliances while there is gas remaining. If in doubt, call the fire department.

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