Frequently Asked Question about Appliance Repair in Scarborough

Scarborough is like anywhere else on the map when it comes to the need for a repairman to come in and take a look at a washing machine, dryer, or dishwasher that appears to be on the fritz. Over the years, these intrepid fixers have encountered quite a few questions from people at parties, on the street, or at their homes. Here is what they hear most often:
How do I clean a washer? This is one of the most common ones the appliance repair companies get. The surest way is to use Afresh tabs made by Whirlpool. They aren’t cheap, but they do work.
The other way to do it is to use one of two other methods: One or two cups of water diluted with bleach. Bleach is great at sterilizing just about anything and it can also be used in a washer. Just make sure not to use too much per cup. The other way is to dilute vinegar or lemon juice. They are also great ways to descale and clean a washing machine.
Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that every washing machine has a specific “clean machine” setting used specifically for this purpose.
How often should I clean a washer? There are always going to be disagreements on the exact length of time, but the general consensus is about every six months. It’s also important to know how to clean the machine, as well.
Do Appliance Repair Businesses offer warranties? The short answer is that the length of the warranty depends on the individual company, but it’s usually thirty to ninety days on parts and labour. Never hire a company that doesn’t have a warranty on both!
Why does my washer smell bad? Either the washer needs to be cleaned, or it’s from using a soap that doesn’t agree with it. Some clothes detergents can result in a build-up or residue in washing machines and these can result in a bad smell after a while. It’s better to clean the machine before one ends up having to call an appliance repair monterey ca
What kind of appliances do appliance repairmen repair? It can vary with the company, but most can repair washers, dryers, dishwashers, microwave ovens, and refrigerators, deep freezers, and most other major appliances.
Why is my washer / dryer / refrigerator / dishwasher / microwave oven making that funny noise? The truth is that it depends on the noise and the appliance the person’s asking about. There are a lot of noises that each appliance can make and for any number of different reasons. The better question should be: “What should I do about it?”. The answer is to give one of those appliance repair companies in Scarborough a call!
And that is the most frequently asked questions that employees at appliance repair companies in Scarborough get asked, except of course for “How much do you get paid?”!