How To Maintain The Pool Equipment In Your Swimming Pool?


Maintaining your pool on a regular basis is essential to keep your pool perfectly OK. If you are an experienced pool owner, you must have enough knowledge of the type of your pool and about the pool equipment. But if you are a new pool owner, it must be very confusing for you to properly identify each pool equipment in order to maintain them appropriately and free you from unnecessary embarrassment. Call the experts from Piscine De Mone for further assistance in maintaining your pool equipment.

Every pool has a similar pump along with a filter in order to circulate and filter the water. The common equipment in every pool includes gas heater and solar heater, chlorine puck erosion feeder, saltwater chlorinator, Ozone generator and UV lights. You need to know this equipment and must be able to identify them in order to maintain them on a regular basis.

The pool pump is the main equipment which drains the water from the pool through the main drainpipe and skimmer as well as pumps the water into the pool through the filter. The pool pump is electrically powered. The pool pump is required to maintain regularly to clean the strainer basket in the pump. You must never run the pump dry which may cause excess heat in the pump resulting in short-term or long-term damage.

The pool filter is a large tank to clean the water before releasing the water to the pool by best pool suction cleaner. There are basically three types of pool filters, they are (1) silica sand filters, (2) cartridge filters, and (3) diatomaceous earth or D.E. filters. Sand filters are normally heavier because of the large quantity of sand in it. Cartridge filters operate through paper cartridges. The DE filters filter the water most efficiently in comparison the two other counterparts but are very expensive and seek more maintenance.

The gas heaters are meant for heating the pool water and are run by natural gas. You will have to spend a lot of money to run the gas heater in terms of gas consumption. In order to reduce the cost, balance your water chemistry.

Pool heat pump and gas heater are different. Since gas heaters use a lot of natural gas and increase the cost tremendously, the alternative is the pool heat pump which runs by electricity. It functions exactly like your air-conditioner in heating your pool water.

Similarly, the saltwater chlorine generator keeps the pool clean. You must take regular care of this equipment to ensure the best use of your swimming pool.

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