How To Protect Your Carpet During A Party


A party should leave you with fun memories of a good time. The last thing you want are reminders left behind in your carpet fibers. Stains are never a good look and if you want your long lasting carpet to survive your next big blowout, here are some of the best ways to protect it from damage.

Protective Coating

There are a variety of reliable carpet protectants on the market. The most popular among them is Scotchgard and it can really do the trick in keeping your carpet stain-free no matter how wild and crazy things get.

All you need to do is spray it on your carpeting, your rugs, you can even use it on many types of furniture. Once the protectant is applied it forms a barrier that repels spills, splashes, messes, and accidents and keeps dark liquids from seeping into the fibers and setting for good. Simply grab a clean cloth or towel, blot the spill up and move on with your evening. It’s as simple as that.

Tend to Spills Quickly

OK, so maybe you didn’t Scotchgard the carpet for whatever reason. That’s okay, just keep an emergency spill kit on hand in the event something gets spilled over the course of the party. This kit should hold some paper towels, a clean cloth and your preferred carpet cleaner.

When something does happen, be sure to blot it up (never wipe) as fast as possible so you can prevent the liquid from getting absorbed by the carpet fibers. The faster you clean up, the less time that spill has to set in and cause an ugly stain.

Take Off the Shoes

No matter how many people are showing up to your party, a great way to keep them from wrecking the carpet is by having each of your guests remove their shoes before they step into your home. Shoes come into contact with so many strange things outside of the home and when you have multiple people walking over your carpet, who knows what they’re tracking inside.

A no shoes policy is particularly important if the weather outside is frightful, what with rain and snow coming down on the night of your shindig. Wet footprints are no good on a fresh carpet and precipitation can also lead to mud. You certainly don’t want that getting ground into your carpet fibers.

Professional Help

Once the party is over, the clean up begins. No matter how wild things got last night, in the morning your carpet is going to reveal the remnants of the festivities. So when it’s time to tidy up, don’t forget about the carpet.

Call your local professional carpet cleaning in frederick md to come in and apply their deep cleaning processes to your carpet and get out what you couldn’t or didn’t notice until after everyone went home. Not only will this keep your carpet in tip-top shape but a clean carpet is much healthier for you and your family. Don’t delay, be sure to call today.



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