Lay New Tile Cover On Old – Is That Possible?


This question keeps coming up – can new tiles be laid on an existing tile floor? Or do you need to remove the old tiles before laying a new tile floor? The reassuring answer is: forget the hammer and the chisel – pasting old tiles with new tiles is smooth and not difficult to do. Encaustic tiles inform you in this article, what you have to look out for if you desire to put new ones on old tiles!

Observe Construction Height

The question that is often asked when it comes to laying tiles on tiles is the level of construction. Some natural stone tiles have a thickness ranging from 10 to 15 mm. In this case, dimensional tolerances can occur up to 1.5 mm. These porcelain stoneware tiles can also have a depth from 9.5 mm to 10 mm – they are rectified and calibrated, which means that there are no dimensional tolerances. Thus, you can estimate in advance the construction height of the new tile floor.

That’s How It Works With Transitions And Doors

For the changes to other floor coverings, which are not as high as the new tiled floor, height compensation tools are available, which are available in fixed heights or variable. In most cases, it is also necessary for you to shorten the door at the bottom so that it doesn’t drag on the floor. With solid wood doors, you can simply machine the bottom millimetre by millimetre. Pressman doors must be shortened with a circular saw. Alternatively, it can be obtained with spacers on the door, hinges a few millimetres high.

Prerequisite: Good Preparation!

So that the laying of the new tile floor works smoothly and you enjoy your new floor for a long time, you should pay attention to proper preparation. First, it’s essential to inspect the old tiles thoroughly. Are these still intact? Tiles that have cracks or are broken must be replaced. Then you should check if the tiles still have excellent adhesion. If everything has been carefully checked and repaired if necessary, comes an important point: Clean the old tiles thoroughly. Any residue of dust, grease should be removed – this is very important for excellent adhesion.

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