Main Benefits of Using Clay Bricks


Long gone are the days of narrow options when it comes to clay bricks, now we have at our disposal a rather large selection of collars, textures, and shapes to fit any architectural design. Clay bricks are a functional complement to any structure, and they contribute significantly to the aesthetic of any space.

  • You Can Get a Return on the Investment

The way to measure the real cost of a house is by keeping track of how much money you need to keep it in prime condition. A construction that can withstand the test of time without being compromised in its build is very sought after by new buyers. Buildings and homes built with clay bricks are pretty solid, and they cover most of the demands of homeowners who look for comfort and well-preserved properties in the market. The material can bring higher initial costs, but it’s a secure return of investment in the long run.

  • Clay Bricks are Durable

All clay bricks have stability properties as well as compressive strengths. They are regarded as the most durable building materials out there, and as such, they can last for a very long time on a well-planned structure.  There are currently centuries-old structures around the world to prove this point, and they need very little maintenance to keep standing.

  • Clay Brick Structures Require Low Maintenance

Modern clay bricks are impervious to weather conditions. Neither heat nor cold can affect their structural integrity. Not even long-term exposure can make a dent on them. They don’t lose colour properties since they seem to set in better with time. The only work that needs to be done on a clay brick wall is periodical washes with water and replacement of mortar when it eventually decays.

  • Bricks are Fire Resistant

Clay bricks are not combustible at all. They can’t contribute to a fire. Neither to start it nor to spread it. The clay that is contained on each brick is inert, so they can’t transport any emissions at all.

  • Bricks Make for Healthy Buildings

The main components of bricks are clay and shale, and both products are originated in nature without any processing by human hand. They are both considered chemically inert. Since they release harmful toxins into the atmosphere, they make cleaner, free of allergies and with improved air quality.

  • Clay Bricks can Help Save Energy

Since clay bricks are a natural insulator, they work with the same mechanism as a thermal battery. They absorb outdoor heat on daytime and release that energy slowly at night to regulate the indoor temperature of a building. This can help any homeowner to dial back the use of heaters. Since the mechanism works backward with cold, it can also help save money on the use of air conditioners.

  • Clay Brick Buildings are Sound-Proof

Clay brick structures can help to curb airborne noise transmissions. You won’t be hearing your noisy neighbours or the hammering of traffic outside your place since the thermal mass composition that is inherently on clay brick will function as a natural sound barrier that can also regulate indoor temperatures.

  • Clay bricks are Recyclable

Recent research shows that at least 40% of the waste arriving to dump collectors is comprised of materials for construction, this has been a cause of concern on many places, and as such, some regulations are being implemented. Salvaged clay bricks that still possess their inner properties intact after being discarded can be cleaned and reused in other constructions or crushed to be used as the sub-base for new roadways.

As you can see, the main features of clay bricks make any property built with them desirable to the eye. Households lined with clay bricks are durable, have structural integrity, and they are mostly maintenance-free. Place on top of all these facts that clay bricks never seem to go out of fashion, and you have the perfect combination of features for a property that can only go up in price with time.

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