Should Everyone Have Their Air Ducts Cleaned?


This is a relatively new question and a new field of service relative to most others in the industry. For people who have forced water systems for heat, then there is nothing to discuss. But, for those who do have forced air systems, there are proponents now of the idea of having their air ducts cleaned.

So, is there any basis behind this? There isn’t any scientific proof yet as to whether or not it’s better for people, but there are good reasons to have it done beyond just a regular maintenance issue. Here are a few reasons as to why someone should have their air ducts cleaned:

Efficiency – The average home can collect up to forty pounds of dirt in its air ducts in one year. That’s a lot of buildup and can result in a lowering of the overall efficiency of the duct system. By cleaning a home’s duct system, one might just end up with lower power bills. 

Mold buildup – This is one of the biggest reasons to have a duct system cleaned. If there is a sufficient buildup of mold in the air ducts, then a homeowner can literally have their own ventilation and heating system working against them. If mold is found in the ducts, then not only are the air ducts blowing it all around the house, which is dangerous for people, but it could actually be helping the mold to spread. 

If anyone is experiencing the symptoms of mold contamination, which involves various breathing-related issues, like difficulty breathing, sneezing, coughing, sinus problems, etc. then have a professional check the ventilation system of the home. If mold is present in them, then they need to be cleaned.

Infestations – This isn’t one that’s commonly thought of, but it can happen. In major cities with rodent infestations, rats and mice can get into air ducts and use them as an easy highway through a person’s home. For insects, like ants and wasps, air ducts are the perfect place to set up shop as they aren’t easy to get at by humans, but again, they make great passages of transport for the insects.

If anyone is experiencing any of the above, it’s best to have professionals come in and clean the infestation out of the ducts for the peace of mind and health of everyone in the home.

Clogs – This is also the biggest argument for regular duct cleaning. If buildup in ducts persists over a long period of time, clogs can develop. Not only that, but the buildup can get to such a degree that particles of dust and other elements can be released through registers, causing air pollution problems within the house itself.

Should everyone get their air ducts cleaned? It’s always ultimately the choice of the homeowner, but there are some solid reasons behind regular duct cleaning that are proactive in removing various issues that might already be a problem and preventative in stopping future problems before they have a chance to start.


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