The Essential Supports for the Smart Landscape Architecture


The profession of landscape architect is little known to the general public and is often victim of amalgam. Its definition is not necessarily very fixed, nor even recognized as the job of architect.

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Vitry sur Seine, Parc des Lilas, conceptrice, Val de Marne, Lyon, Florence MercierBerges du Rhône, concepteurs, Rhône, Thiais, In SituParc de Cluny, concepteurs, Val de Marne, Hauts de Seine, Nanterre, Agence Mutabilis, concepteurs.

Today, we confuse all too often the gardener and the landscaper. This is why the designer is no longer called landscaper (term attributed by the general public to the gardener), but landscape architect.

Role of the landscape architect

A landscape architect does not have the same role as a gardener. The latter is a gardener or gardener and works in the gardens from maintenance to construction and in the field. Both professions can be creative. But where one distinguishes the landscape architect is that he designs landscaping, often on a large scale and mostly off plan. For the Landscape Architecture this is important.

No spade, no wheelbarrow but a pencil or a computer

Following studies done in high schools of the landscape (thus sometimes at the engineer level), the landscape architect learns the landscape design through the control of a multitude of tools in graphic communication. He designs gardens, parks, but also urban developments (square, avenue). He can draw the landscaping of a 3m² patio to study the location of wind turbines in the great landscape.

The job of landscape architect is so vast that the topics are inexhaustible, see multidisciplinary. But using a certain ‘culture’ of the landscape and a permanent concern to make harmonious any vegetated space, it nourishes constantly a strong sensibility of the glance.

Some examples of achievements

Take some examples of achievements and you will sharpen your eyes during your next walks. We know for the most part the French garden like Vaux le Vicomte , or the landscaped park like Buttes Chaumont. And we know more or less the park ‘modern’ (architectured, somehow) like the park André Citroën in Paris.

When you leave home, you may be walking through a recent urban development. Take the opportunity to observe what are the materials, plants and furniture. Because all this is certainly from the work of a landscape architect, this is what this designer has chosen. He has responded to the needs of a community (for example) and he has proposed and made his plans, that’s what he ‘projected’ and that’s his job. This is where you need the best deal. The options are truly essential there. The smartest details are there and that is the reason you need to be specific on it.

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