The Vast Benefits of Metal Roofing


Whether you’re constructing a residential or commercial structure, a key focus is likely on boosting energy efficiency while lowering maintenance costs. Metal roofing has quickly become the roofing material of choice.

This is because home and business owners have come to understand that the benefits of metal far outweigh traditional shingles concerning commercial, residential and post-frame building applications.

Metal Roofing Lasts Longer

The lifespan of an average low-slope metal roof is approximately 50 years, meaning that it is likely that it will be a long time before it requires replacement.

The longevity of metal roofing benefits the owner of the structure and the environment by reducing the demand for the production of replacement roofing systems.

Durability and Metal Roofing

Metal roofs have a long service life, and it is known to be a resilient material that can maintain its stability even during extreme weather conditions and high winds.

Industry wide standard testing has shown that metal roofing is highly fire and wind resistant up to 140 mph winds, and this roofing material creates a weathertight building envelope to prevent water and air leakage.

Sustainability and Metal Roofs

Metal roofing is a highly sustainable and Eco-friendly material that is crafted from 20-40% recycled materials.

Furthermore, it is almost wholly recyclable at the end of its lifespan. Another perk is that these roofing systems can be coated with infrared reflective coatings that will offer consumers additional savings through reduced cooling costs.

Metal roofs can support solar photovoltaic systems, making them and ideal choice for homeowners and the planet.


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