When To Hire A Professional Stain Removal Service For Your Carpet


Some stains are just too difficult to remove on your own. Sure you may try, you might look up some cleaning options online and try the steps that are laid out for you. But in most cases, you either fail to remove the stain entirely or you make things worse resulting in further damage. Before you know it you’re removing carpet when you could have just removed the stain properly the first time.

The best way to do that is to call your local professional carpet cleaning company in bellevue and have them apply their deep-cleaning processes to the task. By all means, get to a mess immediately and clean that as promptly as possible, blotting up any excess moisture so you can avoid a stain from setting at all.

But for those bigger problems where stains have set and your carpet is starting to look the worse for wear, a professional service is going to be your best bet, especially if you have spilled any of the following on the surface of your carpet fibers:

Pet Stains

When your pet pees or poops on the carpet, it can cause a real mess. One that can linger if you’re not careful about eliminating the mess and the remnants that are left behind. Feces is typically easier to remove because it’s a solid, however, soft fecal matter and diarrhea can prove just as damaging over the long-term as pet urine.

Urine is the real challenge because it can start to make the carpet smell and that odor is a signal for your pet that the area from which it is emanating is a place where the pet can return and urinate again and again.


Spilled ink on a carpet is going to leave a mark. One that you’re going to have a very difficult time trying to lift out on your own. That’s because inks are made from a variety of assorted components that can leave a permanent mark on the fibers of your carpeting.

While it’s true that some inks are water-based and those will be easiest to lift, there are other, thicker, inks that contain heavy oils and dyes and this is when ink becomes nearly impossible to remove by yourself.

Fruit-based Beverages


We’re talking about juices and red wine. These are made from dark fruits and their colors can be very noticeable when your guests enter a room and see a faded discoloration from a spilled glass of wine some time ago. Even on darker carpets, fruit-based beverages can be tough to hide and the best way to remove these stains completely is with the type of heavy-duty equipment that only your professional stain removal service uses.


It’s the same thing as with fruit-based beverages. The dark color of the coffee can be murder on a light colored carpet, even if you are able to blot up most of the spill at the time it occurs. The problem is that even if a little bit of coffee is absorbed, it can leave behind a yellow or brown discoloration.


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