Why it is important to look after nature

Everything is a part of nature, including ourselves. Looking after nature is a form of self-care, but it also goes beyond that too. Looking after nature benefits our entire planet.
Nature as self-care
Poor mental heath can be detrimental to every aspect of your life. Maintaining relationships, progressing in your career, and flourishing as an individual are all made much harder when your mental health suffers. If you struggle with anxiety or depression, then you should seek medical advice, but there are also things you can do yourself to help improve your condition. Spending time in nature can reduce anxiety, depression, and stress; it can even improve your memory. Nature not only benefits us but also everyone around us too.
Complex eco-systems
It is important to look after nature for our own wellbeing, but it is also essential for our communities and our planet. Nature is a complex eco-system in which every individual from each species plays a vital role in maintaining that eco-system. Bees for example are paramount to the survival of humanity. Bees pollinate a third of the food we eat and 80% of flowering plans. If bees were to die out, then our food sources would rapidly diminish and losing plant diversity would endanger many other species too. When we do something that changes the eco-systems around us there is a knock-on effect that can be positive or negative. That is why when landscaping our gardens, we have to make decisions that take nature into account.Gardens: Our personal nature reserves
For many of us our gardens are immense sources of pride and pleasure. Landscaping our gardens is done with intention and precision. Often though, our only aim is to make the garden look nice, rather than focusing on creating diverse eco-systems. Landscaping a garden to look after nature doesn’t mean letting it grow wild and untamed. There are several small things we can do in our gardens to look after nature. Here are three tips to get you started
- Flowers
Flowers add beauty to our gardens, but they also provide delicious nectar for many insects. Bees, butterflies, and other insects will all be attracted to a garden with a wide variety of flowers. Try to stick to native plants where possible, as this will be more beneficial for the insects nearby.
- Feed the birds
Having a garden that attracts birds is highly pleasant and satisfying. Add bird feeders to your garden to encourage them in. Use high protein food in the warmer months and seeds in winter. If there are cats about, place the bird box high off the ground or near bushes to provide cover.
- Add a pond
Adding a pond to your garden can really bring it together. Some may consider this a luxury, but placing a bucket in a hole and filling it with water can create a simple pond. Ponds attract a large range of wildlife. If opting for a larger pond, include stones or branches, as these help animals climb in and out of the pond.
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